Hi, I'm
Welcome to my digital corner! Here, I explore ideas (code and non-code), bringing you along as I document my code and pen my thoughts.

I'm currently a Computer Science major at Brown University, specializing in Systems and AI/ML. Previously, I have interned at Roblox, SAP ICN, GovTech and InterSystems.
Built using:
Jekyll Ruby HTML/CSS JavaScript
jwnicholas99:/about$ whoami
Jing Wei Nicholas Lim
Computer Science @ Brown
SWE Intern @ Roblox

Hi, looks like you made it down here - I'm Nicholas and welcome to my corner of the internet! Check out some of my projects above and my relevant experiences below. To the right are some of the things I write on in my blog.

I'm a maker - I like building and working with robots as they have a tangible effect on the real world + I also like working with my hands!

My interests are mostly concentrated around the application of AI/ML. In pursuing this, I'm currently conducting research in reinforcement learning at the Intelligent Robot Lab @ Brown and in robotics at the Humans To Robots Lab @ Brown.

I want to use my programming knowledge to solve real-world problems - shoot me at email at jwnicholas.lim@gmail.com if there is something you want to collaborate on!

Recent Musings
> Gaming on a Microcontroller
22 November 2022 · 25 min read
> Design and Development
17 September 2022 · 10 min read
> Micro-Controlling Traffic Lights
19 August 2022 · 15 min read
> Initial Commit
18 August 2021 · 2 min read
See All Posts >
< Software Engineering Intern >
# Sep 2021 - Mar 2022 · Palo Alto, CA

Led design and implementation of decentralized finance (DeFi) app facilitating automatic payments on Ethereum smart contracts. Built back-end API servers in Node.js with Metamask signature authentication as convenient interfaces with smart contracts. Designed front-end websites in React that pull and aggregate data from smart contract event logs with automatic synchronization. Integrated DeFi app with SAP’s Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) project, an existing solution for secure digital identities. Led SSI development and on-boarded new software engineers as all original software engineers on the SSI team off-boarded.

Web3 Solidity Ethereum React Redux Jenkins NodeJS MetaMask Docker
< Software Engineering Intern >
# May 2021 - Aug 2021 · San Mateo, CA

Built robust back-end service in Golang to receive up to ~2000 requests/s about Captcha challenges across tens of millions of users. Designed tech spec from scratch. Enhanced security by actively designing against malicious users and enforcing HMAC authentication. Reduced maintenance efforts by 80% through using Kibana, Prometheus and Grafana to log and visualize service health metrics. Engineered ETL pipeline using Airflow DAGs to process millions of data points ingested by the service for data analysis.

Golang Docker Nomad Drone Kibana Prometheus Grafana Airflow Python Superset
< Software Engineering Intern >
# Jun 2020 - Aug 2020 · Singapore

Improved object detection performance of government-deployed YOLOv3 model by 20%. Built an ETL data preparation pipeline to automate data extraction and annotation, effectively cutting time needed for data preparation by 90%. Expanded feasible hyperparameter search space of DeepSORT by >20 times through Bayesian optimization. Built Nvidia-based Docker images to operate pipelines on AWS and Kubeflow. Overhauled monolithic legacy code into an end-to-end modular multiprocessing pipeline.

Python Docker AWS KubeFlow TensorFlow Powershell Darknet
< Undergraduate Researcher >
# Sep 2019 - Now · Providence, RI

Publication: Skill Discovery for Exploration and Planning using Deep Skill Graphs, ICML 2020 LifelongML

Engaged in reinforcement learning research using Deep Skill Graphs to reduce large continuous MDPs into small discrete MDPs. Researched methods like Local Graph Partitioning to aid agent exploration in complex environments, eg. Montezuma’s Revenge. Currently extending Relative Novelty to large, continuous state spaces using Random Network Distillation.

Python TensorFlow PyTorch
< Software Engineering Intern >
# May 2019 - Aug 2019 · Cambridge, MA

Engineered DataQuality framework to efficiently identify malformed data in a relational database with millions of health records. Designed and built front-end for DataQuality framework, optimizing for client use and performance. Reduced development time of DataQuality framework by 85% through automation, greatly reducing development costs.

SQL JavaScript ObjectScript
< Researcher >
# Mar 2014 - Mar 2017 · Singapore

Publication: A Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) to Detect Responses to Affective Audiovisual Stimuli from EEG, IRC-SET 2017

Developed a BCI to control a LEGO robot wheelchair using electroencephalogram (EEG) and motor imagery. Architected a BCI to detect responses to affective audiovisual stimuli from EEG to aid patients suffering from alexithymia. Implemented front-end C# GUI program to run experiments and collect EEG for analysis from 29 participants. Analyzed experiment data using MATLAB to perform k-fold cross validation and calculate statistical significance of results.

C# LEGO Mindstorms